It may simply be Outlook and Gmail are independent of each other and connect directly with the server at Google. This has helped keep me out of trouble for some time now. It's better to be helped than to be told the answer.
Thank you for your guidance and suggestions. IMAP is the way Outlook connects to the server at Google. Outlook and Gmail on Chrome are apps that connect to the server at Google. In my mind the email server is at Google. Is it possible to sync Outlook and Gmail? I want to keep my options open so that Outlook does not effect Gmail. Ideally, I would like all messages to sysc in case I wanted to do something with Gmail later on. In Outlook I delete Trash and Spam by right clicking and selecting Empty Folder. All Mail includes all the items I have deleted from Outlook except for the Spam items (Spam items are gone.). 'Immediately delete the message forever.'After I update all messages in Outlook, all messages under Gmail in Chrome syncs except for the messages under All Mail.